Unpacking Pyrogenic/Qealler using Java agent -Part 0x2

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We will learn how and when we can use Java agent to quickly unpack the Pyrogenic Infostealer. In the earlier post Pyrogenic Infostealer static analysis – Part 0x1 we statically analysed the Pyrogenic/Qealler Infostealer but this requires more time and effort.  We will be using the same sample PaymAdviceVend_LLCRep.jar from ANY.RUN (MD5: F0E21C7789CD57EEBF8ECDB9FADAB26B) used in Part 0x1. Let’s start with a basic introduction to Java agent.

Introduction to Java agent

A Java agent is used to instrument programs running on the JVM and it can modify the Java bytecode at runtime without source code. In this post we will be using a Java agent to dump the classes during runtime without any bytecode modification but for more details please check this Java Agents Tutorial [1]. These are the minimum requirement for Java agent to work:

  1. Java agent class file should have a premain method which acts as the entry-point.This method is executed before the real java application main method, premain method it’s like TLS callback.
  2. MANIFEST.MF should be defined with the Premain-Class attribute, which will point to class name with premain method. Another important point is there must be a new line at the end of the MANIFEST file. Otherwise, the last header is ignored.
  3. javaagent parameter should be specified to load java agent jar file with premain method e.g .java -javaagent:dumper.jar -jar malware.jar

Unpacking using Java agent

dumper.java & MANIFEST.mf are used to build Java agent dumper.jar. dumper.java code is copied from Reversing an obfuscated java malware pdf [2]  and I will highly recommend to go through the pdf[2] to understand the different methods which can be used to analyse Java malware.


Note: All java, MANIFEST and jar files are uploaded to GitHub repo[3].


import java.io.*;
import java.lang.instrument.*;
import java.security.*;

// This code is copied from "Reversing an obfuscated java malware by Extreme Coders"
public class dumper {
    //A java agent must have a premain method which acts as the entry-point
    public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) {
        System.out.println("agent loaded");
        // Register out trasnformer
        inst.addTransformer(new transformer());

class transformer implements ClassFileTransformer {
    // The transform method is called for each non-system class as they are being loaded
    public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, String className,
        Class < ? > classBeingRedefined, ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
        byte[] classfileBuffer) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
        if (className != null) {
            // Skip all system classes
            if (!className.startsWith("java") &&
                !className.startsWith("sun") && !className.startsWith("javax") && !className.startsWith("com") && !className.startsWith("jdk") && !className.startsWith("org")) {
                System.out.println("Dumping: " + className);
                // Replace all separator characters with _
                String newName = className.replaceAll("/", "_") + ".class";
                try {
                    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newName);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.out.println("Exception while writing: " + newName);
        // We are not modifying the bytecode in anyway, so return it as-is
        return classfileBuffer;


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Premain-Class: dumper


Note: If you know the basic of Java or any other object oriented programming language then it will be much easier to understand this dumped unpacked code.

  1. Uploaded the jar file in GitHub repo[3]which is generated using following command: javac dumper.java
    jar cmf MANIFEST.MF dumper.jar dumper.class transformer.class
  2. Execute this command java -javaagent:dumper.jar -jar BankPaymAdviceVend_LLCRep.jar to run the malware with java agent and it will dump all the accessed classes at runtime to the current working directory.
    Pyrogenic java agent cmdline
    Pyrogenic java agent cmdline
    Pyrogenic malware classes with comment
    Pyrogenic malware classes with comment
  3. Please decompile all the dumped class files which start with q0b4 and j/t/e package name files using ByteCodeViewer FernFlower Java decompiler. One of the easiest way is to zip all classes and then use BCV. Then, import decompiled java source files from BCV into any Java IDE, this will help you in code navigation.
  4. Start from the bottom and go up in the above pic then you will find the first proper package name q0b4/bootstrap/templates/Header which can be our starting point for unpacked code. We are Reverse engineers, we always start in reverse order :).
  5. Below pic shows all the unpacked classes dumped using Java agent dumper.jar. It starts from Header.java which uses a decrypt function to AES decrypt the classes at runtime and invoke the main method. It invokes j.t.e.Main package main method.
    Dumped Classes List with Header.java
    Dumped Classes List with Header.java

Other approach is to dump all the classes present in obfuscatedEntryList using for loop and continue analysis

Dumped class file analysis

Malware authors divided the source code in multiple sensible packages. They have made our job easier by giving proper names to functions, variables and classes. We will go through some of the classes Main, Server, MainEx and one util IPAddress class, as it will take too much time to go through each one of them.

Main & Server class
    • Main class invokes the loadLibrary method which sends the cmd to CC using sendCmd method.
      Pyrogenic Main class with loadLibrary
      Pyrogenic Main class with loadLibrary
    • Server class contains function loadLibrary which is used above and pushCredentials which is used to send the stolen credential to CC.
      Pyrogenic Server class with functions
      Pyrogenic Server class with functions
    • Server class contain the following list of available library and cmds:
      public static final int PYTHON = 162144;
      public static final int SQLITE = 4353152;
      public static final int JNA = 224288;
      public static final int JNA_PLATFORM = 3048576;
      public static final int JNA_4 = 307200;
      public static final int JNA_PLATFORM_4 = 308224;
      public static final int BCPROV = 310272;
      public static final int INI4J = 311296;
      public static final int XML = 312320;
      public static final int JSON = 313344;
      public static final int W3DOM = 314368;
      public static final int Q4_PASS_LIB = 315392;
      public static final int JPOWERSHELL = 316416;
      private static final int LIBRARY_CMD = 16384;
      private static final int CREDENTIAL_CMD = 32768;
      private static final byte[] SEED = "uisdfysdgfbsdyufbsiybfsdyb733grfsudbfjh".getBytes();
      private static final int MAX_TRY_COUNT = 20;
      Pyrogenic Server class with cmd
      Pyrogenic Server class with cmd

Malware author didn’t pack all the required Java libraries in the jar but it is requested when needed at runtime. This significantly decreased the malware size to 153.27 Kb. Let’s discuss some of the library and commands used:

      1. Server JNA, JNA_4, JNA_PLATFORM, JNA_PLATFORM_4  – JNA (Java Native Access ) provides simplified access to native library methods without requiring any additional JNI or native code.  For example you can call printf, GetSystemTime Windows API function directly from Java Code.
      2. INI4j – Java API for handling configuration files in Windows .ini format
      3. JPOWERSHELL – Simple Java API that allows programs to interact with PowerShell console. It may be used when malware invokes any PowerShell commands.
      4. Q4_PASS_LIB – May be Qealler v4 Password Library loaded first using list.add(server.loadLibrary(315392));
      5. LIBRARY_CMD – May be used to load the clean dll used sqlitejdbc.dll and jnidispatch.dll
      6. CREDENTIAL_CMD – This cmd is used to pushCredentials to CC
MainEx class
    • j.t.e.Main main method invokes the j.t.e.MainEx main method as shown above in Main class.  It sent credential and system info in JSON format to CC. All the communication are AES encrypted using EncryptedCipherOutputStream and EncryptedCipherInputStream which extends CipherOutputStream & CipherInputStream respectively.
      Pyrogenic MainEx main method
      Pyrogenic MainEx main method
    • MainEx class contains two important methods: run() and getSysinfo() as shown below.
      Pyrogenic MainEx credential stealer method
      Pyrogenic MainEx credential stealer method
    •  Malware steal credential from list of software mentioned in the run() method
      this.add(new IExplorer());
      this.add(new UCBrowser());
      this.add(new Composer());
      this.add(new Credman());
      this.add(new Outlook());
      this.add(new Pidgin());
      this.add(new PostgreSQL());
      this.add(new Squirrel());
      this.add(new Tortoise());
    • getSysinfo() collect osName, osVersion, osArch, javaHome, userName, userHome, availableProcessor, freeMemory, totalMemory, localIpAddress & globalIpAddress in JSON format which is encrypted and sent to CC with other info.
IPAddress class
    • IPAddress class is one of the classes present in package j.t.e.core.utils which gets the IP address of the infected system and sends it to CC with other system info. It uses http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com for collecting the public IP of infected systems.
      Pyrogenic IPAddress util class
      Pyrogenic IPAddress util class


When will it fail?

Unpacking using Java agent will be unable to dump all the classes at runtime due to following conditions:

  • When malware is unable to interact with CC then it will not be able to exhibit complete behaviour.
  • Malware is using some anti analysis technique e.g checking for vmware etc.
  • Malware is unable to run due to some supporting files, command line etc.


Unpacking using a Java agent is quite simple and can speed up your analysis, you can use the dumper.jar uploaded in Github [3]. This method can be used in any Java based malware. We have also gone through some of the dumped Pyrogenic/Qealler source code to understand the stealer functionality. In the last part 0x3 we find similarity between Qealler/Pyrogenic variants based on static code analysis.

Targeted Application list

This is the list of application collected from the dumped unpacked classes:

  1. ChromiumBased Browser
    • 7Star
    • amigo
    • brave
    • centbrowser
    • chedot
    • chrome canary
    • chromium
    • coccoc
    • comodo dragon
    • elements browser
    • epic privacy browser
    • google chrome
    • kometa
    • opera
    • orbitum
    • sputnik
    • torch
    • uran
    • vivaldi
    • yandexBrowser
  2. MozillaBased Browser
    • firefox
    • blackHawk
    • cyberfox
    • comodo IceDragon
    • k-Meleon
    • icecat
  3. IExplorer
  4. UCBrowser
  5. Composer
  6. Windows Credential
  7. Outlook
  8. Pidgin
  9. PostgreSQL
  10. Squirrel
  11. Tortoise


  1. Java Agents Tutorial
  2. Reversing an obfuscated java malware by Extreme Coders
  3. GitHub repo

Thanks for reading. Feel free to connect with me on or LinkedIn for any suggestions or comments.

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